Monday, June 21, 2010

My Father, the Hero

 My husband Tim is by far Numero Uno in my life (only second to Jesus), but it hasn’t always been that way. Before Tim, there was another man that I always ran to for a shoulder to cry on, called for advice, and found safety in his arms. His name is Dad. He was my first Valentine, the first man to buy me jewelry, the first hand I held, and the hardest thing to let go of as I started my new chapter with Tim. In Genesis 2:24, the Bible says, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

As we celebrated Father’s Day yesterday with the family, it had a new meaning to me. I still have the utmost appreciation and admiration for my father, but this year it was different. Two months ago, he had the honor of giving his baby girl “away” to a man that he trusted, respected, and honored as much as I do. I know it wasn’t easy for him to do, and if you have seen any of our wedding pictures, I wasn’t exactly holding it together either! But I believe that if you asked him, and certainly if you asked me, we were ready for this. Our relationship as Father-Daughter has come full circle as his “little girl.” Obviously, at 27, I haven’t been much of a “little” girl for quite some time now, but over the past few years as my relationship with Tim has become more serious, my relationship with Dad has evolved in its own way. At times some might differ, but I feel getting married as made me that much more of a “grown up” and with that, my relationships are maturing as well. This Father’s Day, I celebrated my amazing Dad and everything he has done for our family, but also I cherished it as the next installment in my new chapter of Married life. I cannot praise my Dad enough for all the joy, laughter, respect, triumph and admiration he has brought our family. I would not be the woman I am today without him. I love you dad!
Father's Day 2010...Debbie, where are you!??

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