I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I immediately associate social gatherings with the need to overindulge on yummy food. Forget who will be in attendance, I want to know what there will be to eat, and can I bring I anything else! Like I’ve mentioned before, I have little to no control over my consumption of sugary treats, or delectable comfort foods. Out of site, out of mind. In site, in my mouth. Sorry! I would like to say, I’m working on it, but really, I am provoking it, by this season’s instantaneous desire to start baking! Last year around this time, I was withstanding all tasty temptations in preparation for my contest. This year, although still watching what I consume, I have to make up for lost time as I didn’t get to indulge in some of my favorite autumn dishes. With that being said, I have committed to trying a few new (and simple) recipes to kick off the fall season, but under one tiny stipulation. It cannot stay in my house. Luckily, our social calendar warrants a new recipe here and there for me to share with friends at THEIR houses. It’s also better that I am supervised; otherwise I will eat 5 pieces of pie because no one sees me in my own kitchen. Two weeks ago, Vicki and I made Pumpkin Oatmeal (white) Chocolate Chip Cookies. YUM. I made the mistake of buying Pumpkin Pie Filling, not Pumpkin Puree, so I need to get rid of it before it becomes a sweet tooth disaster and gets eaten by the spoonful. I know, that’s gross, but I wouldn’t put it past me at my low points ;)
This recipe is simple with only 4 ingredients, but I have never made a pie before, so I see it as a challenge.
12oz. can Libby’s Pumpkin Pie Filling
2/3 cup (5 oz.can) Carnation Evaporated Milk
2 Large Eggs-Beaten
1 Unbaked pie Crust
MIX pumpkin pie mix, evaporated milk and eggs in large bowl.
POUR into pie shell
BAKE in preheated 425°F. oven for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350° F.; bake 50 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate.
Super Easy right!? Well, apparently I used a little more of the pumpkin pie filling than I thought when making the cookies, because my pie mix was SUPER runny when I put the ingredients together. Having ZERO experience in Pie Perfection, I had no way to remedy this, so I prayed that cooking it longer would do the trick. Add that mini disaster to a super slow heating/cooking oven and "whipping" up a pie to take to a friend's on Friday became a 2.5 hour ordeal. GEEZ. Needless to say, my husband wasn't diving in for the first bite that night! BUTTTT, to my disbelief, after a few hours in the oven, then an overnight stay in the fridge, the pie got raving reviews! So my Slushy Pie turned out to be alright and my plan worked, as I only had one piece....well maybe two ;)
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