Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Lifey as a Wifey" Wednesdays!

First off, my apologies for being MIA this past week, as I have been working really hard on another Blog project that I cannot wait to share with the world! More on that later…

It’s hard to believe how quickly time is racing by in 2010. I feel like we just celebrated St. Patty’s and here we are gearing up for Halloween, and before we know it, Santa Claus will be coming to town! With life moving so fast around us, it’s easy to allow it take over and rapidly move us from one event to the next with little to no breaks, or chance to stop and smell the roses. Next thing you know, the seasons change and you realize it’s been SIX months and although it feels like an eternity at times, so quickly it’s only our memories that provide short snippets of this life we have on earth. My fear of letting the good times roll into a recollection oblivion is my main inspiration for documenting my journey as a newly wed through his blog.
This upcoming weekend marks our Six Month Anniversary of our wedding, and I couldn’t be more shocked how vastly this approached us! Do I dare say, “It feels like yesterday…,” we were planning and primping, stressing and then celebrating in anticipation for this new life ahead, and here we are a half a year into it!? These past 6 months have absolutely been the best 6 months of my 27 (and a half) years on earth. Tim and I have built a home together, found a friendship and love between us I didn’t know existed and even flown around the world and back-twice! I am so grateful for everything we have experienced, and the love we have been surrounded by through our newlywed process. I pray that everyone in this life would have the opportunity to experience a journey like this, as it’s been exciting, trying, painfully sweet, and the best testament of my Faith in God thus far. And to think it’s only been six months, so who knows what God has in store for us with the next six, and the many more years from there. I want to make sure I take this bull we call life by the horns, and not only make it what I want to be, but make sure I take a breather, and enjoy these times with my husband. After all, we are only considered Newlyweds for six more months right??? ;)


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