Earlier this year, Tim and I decided to take action on spending more one on one time together. At the time, we were both working full time, planning a wedding, hittin’ the gym every chance we got, Tim was volunteering with Spring football, and for me, D.I.Y.ing til I just about D.I.-Died! We were warned time would be tight during the hustle and bustle, but were also wisely advised to set apart special time with each other. Hence, the creation of “Date Night.” It’s one night we set aside each week,(for us it’s Thursdays) to spend time alone, doing something fun. We do our best to not plan anything else on that day, unless an official change of plans has been approved by both parties, and a substitute day has been put in place.
Compliments of Rubio’s, we had two tickets for a San Diego Harbor Excursion Cruise that we have been holding on to for over 6 months in hopes for great weather to make the experience all the more enjoyable! Luckily, the weather has been more than desirable, so we went ahead and booked it for Saturday night. Our reservation was set for Dinner for Two aboard the Spirit of San Diego vessel departing at 7:30pm sharp. After snapping a quick photo, it was all aboard, where they greeted us with a glass of champagne and we were on our way!
We noshed on a pre-arranged three course menu of delicious Caesar salad, Chicken, Steak or Fish with side accompaniments, and a yummy Chocolaty truffle dessert all the while cruising around the beautiful San Diego Harbor. Not sure if it was to set the stage for romance, or to make things especially awkward for those on a first date, but all the tables were arranged with both chairs on the same side. Tim and I have never been same side sitters, but we had a good laugh about it, and enjoyed the intimacy.
PS~Sorry for all the dark pictures!